Project progress
Action 1
D1 Partnership Agreement (29-02-2012) done
D2 Operative Manual (29-02-2012) done
D3 Work Plan (30-03-2012) done
D4 Implementation Monitoring Protocol (30-03-2012) done
Action 2
D5 Actions’ Monitoring Protocol (31-05-2013) done
D6 Project’s Monitoring Protocol (31-05-2013) done
D7 Activities Effectiveness Evaluation Report (30-11-2014)
Action 3
D8 Best practices info sheets filled in (30-11-2012) done
D9 Virtual Platform (31-05-2013)
D10 Info sheets database (31-05-2013) done
Action 4
D11 Reggio Emilia’s Waste Reduction Plan (30-04-2013) done
D12 Trento’s Waste Reduction Plan (30-04-2013) done
D13 Reggio Emilia’s Waste Reduction Communication Plan (30-04-2013) done
D14 Trento’s Waste Reduction Communication Plan (30-04-2013) done
D15 Memorandum of Understanding of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia (30-04-2013) done
D16 Memorandum of Understanding of the Municipality of Trento (30-04-2013) done
Action 5
D17 Reuse Market Analysis (28-02-2013) done
D18 Reuse centre feasibility study (30-04-2013) done
D19 Signed Declaration of Intent for a reuse centre in the Municipality of Reggio Emilia (31-08-2013) done
D20 Lobbying Guidelines (31-07-2014)
Action 6
D21 Communication Plan (30-04-2012) done
D22 Communication Materials (31-07-2012) done
D23 Final Guidelines and Implementation kit (31-12-2014)
D24 After Life Communication Plan (31-12-2014)
M1 Compilation of Best Practices Info sheets (30-11-2012)
M2 Establishment of the Waste Reduction Plan in MRCs and signature of the MoU for its implementation (30-04-2013)
M3 Establishment and signature of the Declaration of Intent for a reuse centre in Reggio Emilia (31-08-2013)
M4 Evaluation of project actions’ effectiveness (30-11-2014)
M5 Final conference (31-12-2014)
M6 After Life Communication Plan (31-12-2014)
R1 Inception Report (30-09-2012) done
R2 Mid-Term Report (30-10-2013) done
R3 Final Report (28-02-2015)